About Me

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alright my name is Scott McPherson,a student at West Lothian College in the Mystical land of Scotland. im currently doing a NQ Computing course and had to create this FAIL weblog. the blog is about WoW and my journey through it.

Thursday, 29 January 2009


alright everybody im got to lv25 yay XD five more levels till i get a mount. i recently ran SFK (shadowfang keep) and got some nice blue gear. but dam im broke. the problem is i picked tailoring and enchanting as professions. enchanting is a awesome profession to have as you can enchant your stuff and sell enchants for a lot of money at higher levels. the problem is you need to disenchant a lot for materials :( so since i dienchanted instead of selling my blues and greens i pretty much have no cash. well thats it for this update see you later

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