About Me

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alright my name is Scott McPherson,a student at West Lothian College in the Mystical land of Scotland. im currently doing a NQ Computing course and had to create this FAIL weblog. the blog is about WoW and my journey through it.

Thursday, 26 February 2009


yo people what's up lv57 now almost ready to go to outland. not much to update about, going to be pvping more when i get to 59 and hopefully farm some more money for my epic mount training. well cya later dudes.

Thursday, 19 February 2009


ZOMG LV52!!!!! dam straight been pure power-leveling for a week. just started leveling in western plaguelands. been leveling through questing in searing gorge and running instances. sunken temple was awesome man totally cool. blackrock depths was actually fairly diffcult when i went at lv51. there were was a lot of mobs and the place was HUGE. taking a brake at the moment playing some rf online i'll get back soon :)

Thursday, 5 February 2009



alright everyone its teh l33t master MADSCOTSMAN!!!! so whats up how yi aw been? well ive got up to lv32 and got my giant chicken mount oops i mean hawkstrider.... lol just joking i luv it :) dam i wanted to lvl more yesterday but i got lag... A LOT OF LAG!!! /cry well ive not not got a lot to talk about got a couple of achievements plaaning on running RFD and SM soon. well here's something for your viewing pleasure